FairFace是结构简单性能不错的人脸属性模型(代码地址), 被WACV2021录取(论文地址, 是人脸属性领域近几年高引文章之一。网络结构比较简单,backbone是标准的ResNet34结构,后面接一个fc层,对输入图片的人脸预测其年龄区间和性别。
本模型可以检测输入图片中人的性别和年龄范围:[0-2, 3-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+]。
from modelscope.pipelines import pipeline
from modelscope.utils.constant import Tasks
fair_face_attribute_func = pipeline(Tasks.face_attribute_recognition, 'damo/cv_resnet34_face-attribute-recognition_fairface')
src_img_path = 'data/test/images/face_recognition_1.png'
raw_result = fair_face_attribute_func(src_img_path)
print('face attribute output: {}.'.format(raw_result))
# if you want to show the result, you can run
from modelscope.utils.cv.image_utils import draw_face_attribute_result
from modelscope.preprocessors.image import LoadImage
import cv2
import numpy as np
# load image from url as rgb order
src_img = LoadImage.convert_to_ndarray(src_img_path)
# save src image as bgr order to local
src_img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(src_img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
cv2.imwrite('src_img.jpg', src_img)
# draw dst image from local src image as bgr order
dst_img = draw_face_attribute_result('src_img.jpg', raw_result)
# save dst image as bgr order to local
cv2.imwrite('dst_img.jpg', dst_img)
# show dst image by rgb order
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dst_img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(dst_img), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
序号 | 模型名称 |
1 | RetinaFace人脸检测模型 |
2 | MogFace人脸检测模型-large |
3 | TinyMog人脸检测器-tiny |
4 | ULFD人脸检测模型-tiny |
5 | Mtcnn人脸检测关键点模型 |
6 | ULFD人脸检测模型-tiny |
序号 | 模型名称 |
1 | 口罩人脸识别模型FaceMask |
2 | 口罩人脸识别模型FRFM-large |
3 | IR人脸识别模型FRIR |
4 | ArcFace人脸识别模型 |
5 | IR人脸识别模型FRIR |
序号 | 模型名称 |
1 | 人脸活体检测模型-IR |
2 | 人脸活体检测模型-RGB |
3 | 静默人脸活体检测模型-炫彩 |
序号 | 模型名称 |
1 | FLCM人脸关键点置信度模型 |
序号 | 模型名称 |
1 | 人脸表情识别模型FER |
2 | 人脸属性识别模型FairFace |
title={Fairface: Face attribute dataset for balanced race, gender, and age},
author={K{\"a}rkk{\"a}inen, Kimmo and Joo, Jungseock},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.04913},