  • 模型资讯
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简介 Brief Introduction

我们开源了一个中文 Diffusion 模型,您可以直接输入中文提示词,我们为您呈现精美的艺术风格图片。本模型的默认分辨率是 768*768。

We release a Chinese diffusion model, which is able to generate high-quality artistic images according to the prompts you input. The default resolution of this model is 768*768.

使用 Usage

本模型支持 modelscope 的 pipeline,请参考以下范例代码:

This model supports the pipeline in modelscope. Please refer to the following code:

from modelscope.pipelines import pipeline
import cv2

p = pipeline('text-to-image-synthesis', 'PAI/pai-diffusion-artist-xlarge-zh', model_revision='v1.0.0')
result = p({'text': '雾蒙蒙的日出在湖面上'})
image = result["output_imgs"][0]
cv2.imwrite("image.png", image)

作品展示 Gallery

text: 火车,雪地,隧道,昏暗灯光,恐怖片 text: 海底世界,各种鱼类,海草
negative_prompt: 多个铁轨 negative_prompt:
text: 粉红色羽毛的猫头鹰 text: 带墨镜的猫,黑客,特工,西装
negative_prompt: negative_prompt:

使用须知 Notice for Use


If you want to use this model, please read this document carefully and abide by the terms.