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Please see our LLMZoo project:

⚡LLM Zoo is a project that provides data, models, and evaluation benchmark for large language models.⚡ [Tech Report]

✨ Latest News

  • [07/12/2023]: More instruction-following data of different languages is available here.
  • [05/05/2023]: Release the training code. Now, you can replicate a multilingual instruction-following LLM by yourself. :-)
  • [04/24/2023]: Add more results (e.g., MOSS) in the evaluation benchmark.
  • [04/08/2023]: Release the Phoenix (for all languages) and Chimera (for Latin languages) models.


from modelscope.utils.constant import Tasks
from modelscope.pipelines import pipeline
text_generation_zh  = pipeline(task=Tasks.text_generation, model='AI-ModelScope/phoenix-inst-chat-7b', device_map='auto', model_revision='v1.0.0')
result_zh = text_generation_zh('给我写一首诗')

🤔 Motivation

  • Break “AI supremacy” and democratize ChatGPT

“AI supremacy” is understood as a company’s absolute leadership and monopoly position in an AI field, which may even include exclusive capabilities beyond general artificial intelligence. This is unacceptable for AI community and may even lead to individual influence on the direction of the human future, thus bringing various hazards to human society.

  • Make ChatGPT-like LLM accessible across countries and languages
  • Make AI open again. Every person, regardless of their skin color or place of birth, should have equal access to the
    technology gifted by the creator. For example, many pioneers have made great efforts to spread the use of light bulbs
    and vaccines to developing countries. Similarly, ChatGPT, one of the greatest technological advancements in modern
    history, should also be made available to all.