





  也就是五年前,我人生中第一次去了美国。走在加州Palo Alto的University大道,我不断思索:为什么美国公司总有一个巨大的梦想?为什么美国公司比中国公司有更多创新?



  三年前,猎豹移动调整了策略。把目标从中国市场移到了全球市场上。把产品平台从PC端改为移动端。三年后,我们看到,按月下载量计算,猎豹移动已成为Google Play全球排名第二的应用发行商。仅次于Facebook,甚至超过Google。








  第一,移动互联网让世界变得更平。Google Play,App Store,甚至小米的小米应用商店都能够连结全世界的本地应用市场,将其统一形成为一个全球市场。





  现在Google Play,我们有4款应用排在总榜单前30名。包括Clean Master,CM Security,Battery Doctor,还有Photo Grid。所有这些应用在美国和欧洲都有大量的用户。我们在美国和欧洲开设办公室前,就已经通过线上推广和口碑营销,在欧美地区拥有超过5千万的月活跃用户。





  与此同时,我们也是Google Play上最大的应用发布商之一。我们跟加州湾区的很多公司,都建立了非常友好的关系。

  目前,我们还没有在印度开设办公室。但我们已经和Micromax签署了合作协议。不仅如此,我们和世界上超过70家手机制造商和电信运营商签署了协议。包括小米、华为、HTC、华硕、Micromax和AT&T。三星全球旗舰手机Galaxy S6,集成了猎豹移动的产品Clean Master的SDK。


  在座各位,有人用过Musical.ly这款应用吗?两周前,Musical.ly在美国iOS App Store排名第一。没有任何推广。这是一款音乐、歌曲类应用。Musical.ly是一家位于上海的非常非常小的初创公司。只有10名员工。半年前,猎豹移动投资了它。他们推出这款应用不久,目前只做美国市场。

  当Musical.ly冲到App Store榜首,很多著名风投基金都在寻找它的开发团队。例如GGV和SIG。仅仅6个月,Musical.ly完成了融资,估值达到了1亿美金。这样一家中国公司能在美国市场发展如此迅速,确实很神奇。

  无独有偶。My Idol和另一款日本应用NekoAtsume甚至都没有英文版本。现在美国应用市场,非常受欢迎。












  很多人都问过我,为什么Clean Master能在全球市场获取这么多用户?

  我记得,为了解用户对产品的真实想法,我曾经往返美国超过三次。我们对Google Play上的每一个用户评价都非常重视。目前,Clean Master在Google Play上有超过2400万用户评分。每一位用户,只能给我们打一次分。我们的评分目前是4.7分(满分5分),远远高于很多其他流行应用。

  但你们可能不知道。我们在北京组建了一支超过30人的团队,专门负责用户评价。这个团队可以应对和处理超过20种语言。如果有人给Clean Master打了1分的评价,我们会马上和你取得联系。如果你用日语对产品做出了评价,我们也会用日语回复你。我们可以用超过20种语言与用户们交流沟通。随时根据用户反馈,及时改进产品。












  Hello everyone, I’m so glad to be here to share the story of Cheetah Mobile. To speak frankly, I’m a little nervous because this is my first time to make an English speech without paper. I prepared the speech for a whole night, but it’s too difficult for me.

  Just 5 years ago, We founded Cheetah Mobile. At that time Cheetah Mobile was a very small company focused on the PC-side and anti-virus. Our biggest competitor was Qihoo, which listed at the New York Stock Exchange and its valuation surpassed $10 billion. It was a huge competitor for us. And we just focused on the PC side and anti-virus and fought with Qihoo, it was too difficult for us.

  5 years ago was my first trip to the US. In Palo Alto on University Ave, I thought: Why do US companies have big dreams? Why do US companies have more innovation than Chinese companies?

  The dream is the biggest difference between US and Chinese people. Think big, think different was the biggest point to change our thoughts.

  I thought: Why can’t Chinese companies go outside of China? Why can’t Chinese companies become a global company? Even though we’re a small company, even though we’re not good enough, we can have such a good dream, such a big dream.

  3 years ago, Cheetah Mobile adjusted our strategy to from the Chinese market to the global market and we changed our product from the PC side to the mobile side. Just after 3 years, we can see now by monthly downloads, Cheetah Mobile was the #2 publisher on Google Play only next to Facebook. We even surpassed Google.

  And our monthly active users today on the mobile side is over 500 million. And 70 percent of our users come from outside of China. Just 2 years ago, our monthly active users were 40 million, so we’ve surpassed 10x since then.

  On the growth rate, Cheetah Mobile’s growth speed is surpassing WhatsApp and WeChat in the first two years. So actually, now we are the biggest utility and security developer all over the world on the mobile side. It happened just in three years. But how did it happen?

  The most important thing is: With mobile, we can combine many original local markets into a single global one.

  We have a huge opportunity to go global, but how to catch global opportunities. That’s a huge opportunity for any company in any country. 3 years ago I realized that opportunity, so we decided to put all our resources into the global market.

  We have, 3 key points to grabbing the opportunity to go global:

  First, the mobile age makes the world flatter than before. You know Google Play, the App Store, and even Xiaomi’sMi App Store, make the local market into a unique global one.

  Before the mobile age, you needed to first localize then globalize. But, with mobile you can globalize first then localize.

  Before the mobile age if you wanted to go global you had to travel to a country and rent an office and then hire somebody and sign a contract with a partner. But in the mobile age, you just need to, with a press of a button, you can let your app reach a potential billion users in the world. You don’t even need to put anyone outside of your country. It’s a huge opportunity for you and your company. If you want to do this, you have a huge opportunity.

  Now in Google Play, we have four apps in the top 30. We have Clean Master, CM Security, Battery Doctor, and Photo Grid. All these apps have huge user bases in US and Europe. But, before we opened our office in San Francisco and Europe, we already had 50 million monthly active users in the US and Europe by online promotion and word of mouth.

  Because Cheetah Mobile has focused on the global market, we have a huge user base all over the world. Then we started to build our local offices and acquire some companies all over the world. We just acquired a French company, who focused on the mobile advertisement platform, named MobPartner for the price of $50 million US dollars. So now we have offices in 10 countries all over the world.

  Because of the mobile age, you can get global users through online distribution. When you build your local office, you can cooperate with a local partner very easily because you already have millions and tens of millions of users in their country. When we opened our US office, we already had a good relationship with Facebook and Google. Maybe you don’t know, Cheetah Mobile now is the biggest partner with Facebook Audience Network. Facebook mentioned Cheetah Mobile in its Q1 financial reporters. And we are the biggest publisher in Google, so now we have many good relationships with companies in the Bay Area.

  We don’t have an office in India yet, but we’ve already signed a contract with Micromax. We’ve already signed contracts with over 70 manufacturers and carriers all over the world. Such as Xiaomi, Huawei, HTC, Asus, Micromax, and AT&T. Samsung’s Galaxy S6 flagship phone integrated Cheetah Mobile’s SDK all over the world. In the mobile age you can go from top to bottom, you can acquire a huge user base, then have your local partnerships. It’s not like before.

  Musical.ly - is there anyone here who uses Musical.ly? Just two weeks ago, Musical.ly was the #1 app in the US app store, without any promotion. It is a song app. Musical.ly is a very small startup based in Shanghai with only 10 people. Cheetah Mobile invested in this startup 6 months ago. They just started their app, they only focused on the US market.

  When Musical.ly went to the top of the App Store, many famous VC funds went looking for this team. such as GGV, SIG. Then Musical.ly just finished raising money with a valuation of $100 million US dollars. In just six months, so it grew very fast and is a Chinese-based company. My Idol, and another Japanese app, NekoAtsume, even without any English versions, they went abroad and were very popular in the US market.

  So I want to say in the mobile age even if you’re a very small company, even if you’re from China, but you can compete with any big company all over the world. So Cheetah Mobile wants to be a bridge to Chinese companies all over the world.

  Secondly, Chinese companies are leading the industry alongside our American counterparts. Here you can see the 10 biggest internet companies: 4 come from China, 6 from the US.

  But if we see, all the internet companies who are over $5 billion US dollars, it’s half and half Chinese and US companies. Unfortunately, Cheetah Mobile is just $4 billion so it’s not on the chart but I’m working hard.

  Now, it’s not Chinese companies following the US company, it’s Chinese companies and US companies together leading the Internet.

  You know Uber and Didi are fighting in China. Uber raised $1 billion just to focus on the Chinese market, but Didi followed with $2 billion, maybe $2.5 billion, to fight in the Chinese market. Uber China is the first local company for Uber to build. But from my personal view, I don’t think Uber in China has a chance to defeat Didi.

  Didi’s valuation will rise very soon, maybe someday its valuation will surpass Uber, and if Didi wants to go global, it’s Uber’s trouble. But it’s very fierce competition in the future.

  The third is many people want to say Chinese companies lead the internet because the Chinese market is so huge and the firewall prevents US companies from entering the US market. However, Chinese mobile companies have created some very unique innovations, thanks to many years of fierce local competition.

  When I entered the global market, I suddenly realized the competition in the US market couldn’t compare to the Chinese market. US market competition is easy for Chinese companies, that’s true.

  In China, the competition is so fierce, so we pay deep attention to the user experience.

  Many people have asked me why Clean Master can acquire so many users all over the world. We wanted to know how users think of our product so I traveled to the US more than 3 times to know what they thought. And we paid deep attention to our Google Play user reviews. We have 24 million user reviews in Google Play. Every user can only give one review. Our rating score is 4.7, ahead of many popular apps, but maybe you don’t know we hired at least 30 people in Beijing and the team can speak over 20 languages. If you rate Clean Master 1-star, we will reply you as soon as possible. If you rate Clean Master in Japanese, we will reply in Japanese. We have 20 languages we can reply to users and correct and update the app for the user if they don’t think we are good.

  The last weapon for us is free. The free-to-use model is a Chinese model, but I think all the users all over the world need free. Even US and Europe people can pay for apps but they already like free. When we started the company, at that time, I thought free was the best weapon to acquire users.

  Many people have said, “How can you make money if you are free?”

  Our mobile revenue increased five times over last year, and our overseas revenue is already half of our total mobile revenue.

  And I think since Facebook and Google can make money by free services, Clean Master can also do that. Our strategy is to build a huge user base, then big data, then build our own mobile advertisement platform. Our target is to become the top three mobile advertisement platform in the world.

  So this is just a story for Cheetah Mobile. I think I’m so lucky because I can grab the opportunity for the mobile age, and I hope all of you can do this. Thank you!

